I have been told, and there are some times when I feel that dark message inside my soul telling me to give this blog up and do some serious writing of the Great African American Novel, but, it’s not working, it’s just not working. I have always had a love of reading and books from the time my grandmother walked me to library. We were poor and living in a poor neighbor, and there were times I did miss a meal or two, but when I was with my grandmother, I did not care what I ate, slept on or lived, as long as my grandmother and books were with me.
She grew up poor in Athens, Georgia and moved to Washington, DC when she married my grandfather. To keep from turning this into a “Black History” story, suffice to say, I was raised by her. Even though we had very and I mean very little, my life was always, always complete when she was around. I prayed all the time to keep her here on earth because I did not think I could go on living. I gave birth to her first great-grand child and she lived loved enough to meet and hold her. She also read to my daughter just as I did and at times (My kid is 21 years old and in college), my kid still ask me, every once in a while, to read “Junie B. Jones,” because of my funny voice.
I guess I’m going on and on. My message, I’m not giving the hell up!,” People may not buy my subscription to this blog, but I’m not about to give up and not bring to every single person I can, books, books, e-books, Kindle, iPad, books and more books. Hey, books below:
Ahmad Aleem Williams - HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE – IT’S ONLY 99 CENTS
The sequel to “HOW” series, ‘HOW DID I GET HERE?” which is $9.99 - -
“Preston Brown is one of the most elegant and upcoming stars in the African-American community; who has destiny written all over him. He has everything a twenty-five year old man could ever want in life: a miraculous looking wife (Delight), kids, dog, and a career lined up after seminary school to top it all off. Although, very intelligent and keen with words you will find out how Preston's strengths will ultimately turn into his center of weakness. Preston finds himself in a series of unfortunate events that makes it difficult for him to even believe in himself after some time. Preston's ambitious attributes meet the test when he finds himself caught up with a woman that attracts him in every way. Preston soon finds himself in a dilemma of whether to stay married or get a divorce. The first of a three part series will read to you a story about failure, struggle, and redemption at its greatest capacities. Find out how the consistent faith of his wife delivers him from evil and how Preston finds humility as the greatest spiritual relief he has ever felt.”
Deja King - THE BITCH IS BACK - $9.99 – Part 3 of Ms. Precious Cummings. The Hood Queen.”
Deja King - RIDE WIT' ME - $8.64
Dr. XYZ - Nasty (Zane Presents) - $9.99 – Now, you know you got to get your freak on with Nicola and Carlos. The ride is hell and back!!
AlTonya Washington - THROUGH IT ALL - IT’S ONLY 1.00 DOLLAR - -
Xavier Garrett's dangerous career as a homicide detective finally prompted Vanessa Garrett to end their marriage. When a murder occurs at the publishing house where Van works, Xav heads the team handling the case. When it's discovered that the killer is targeting the company's executives, Xav goes to great lengths to protect his ex-wife. The situation is far too close for comfort and reminds Vanessa of everything she gave up when she left her sexy ex-husband.
Angela Nichelle - CUPID'S ARROW – ‘IT’S ONLY $2.99 - -
Safina Ralph is single on Valentine's Day. She's determined to have a good time in L.A. away from her home in Chicago with her friend, Lynn. The two of them have exclusive passes to Red, the hottest nightclub on Venice Beach. Just as the festive atmosphere begins to coax Safina into the party mood, she notices someone, or something in the rafters, shooting arrows into the crowd of unsuspecting party goers below!
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