Number 67
I cannot believe that I started this blog in January 2010. I started this blog because I am cheap and my money was getting tighter and tighter by the month. With tuition, electric bills going thru the damn roof!,(Some people down here in South Carolina call it "the light bill," which I never understood since electric covers not just the lights), dog food and my food just shot the hell up and now gas at $4.00 a gallon. The so call experts, Oprah, Dr. Oz and your own doctor tell you to eat more fruits and vegetables. Hell, have they seen the price of grapes, oranges, and collard greens? Do they and the Food Network gurus shop at Safeway, Giant, Shoppers Food Warehouse or Wal Mart? Do they realize that I brought four and I mean “4” oranges at $4.98 a small bag! Do they understand? I don't think so! Homey, don't play that!! It's getting harder and harder to pay for things, but we cannot give up. Remember, I’m on the Dave Ramsey/Michelle Singletary get out of debt mantra. I have got to stick to that plan and I’m winning little by little. Especially with God's help. I'm winning!!!
Boy, I had dreams when I started this blog and will continue to dream BIG. I am determined to get all of you and more people in subscribing to my blog and buying and reading books, especially when the price is right. Me, a lover of Books and Kids. I'm just loving it!!! Books and more Books.
First and foremost, I would like to give “Big, Big Props” to Wendy Raven McNair.
She has three books on Amazon and we need you to buy them and please, pretty please, submit a write up on Amazon. Did you know that the more you and your family and friends submit a write up on Amazon, it boost sales in book?
Also, please write up something on Amazon about my blog. Let me know what you think and if I can do more or less. We all need your help. Here are her books. Please buy.
If you like fantasy movies, you will love this story of “Love in Fantasy.” Dreams do come true even if you do not believe in them. Love does exist, even if you do not believe in it. Take this ride with Adisa and Micah, it will remind you that Love and Dreams are real and, at the end of the day, you can be happy. We need “happy” doing this time in our lives. It keeps us going.
WENDY RAVEN McNAIR – ASLEEP (FIRST HALF) (Asleep trilogy) - $2.99 - - - ASLEEP [First Half] (Asleep trilogy)
and ASLEEP (Second Half) (Asleep trilogy) - $2.99 ASLEEP [Second Half] (Asleep trilogy)
- - - Adisa Summers doesn't know her boyfriend, Micah Alexander, can fly. Micah's odd emotionless behavior, rigid posture, and vacant eyes are mysteries sending mixed messages to Adisa. When a flash of lightning sends a tree crashing down on her, Adisa is shocked to see Micah actually flying to her rescue! In an instant, Adisa is in his arms, looking up at the sky over his shoulder as they fly parallel to the ground. Micah shifts, shielding her completely with his body. As the tree explodes against Micah's back, Adisa feels him shudder with the impact and the air fills with wood chips and sawdust. Miraculously, they aren't smashed into the ground. They safely continue flying. Micah finally begins to open up to Adisa about his secret life as a super being and she discovers another shocking secret… Micah burns for her--literally as well as figuratively.
WENDY RAVEN McNAIR – AWAKE - $6.99 - - - In part 2, Adisa and Micah's saga continues as the teen couple race against time to save Micah. However, conflict interferes with their efforts as well as other forces in the super world. When Adisa tries to secretly meet the parents who abandoned her, an explosive confrontation with Micah drives the couple apart and threatens to destroy them both. Adisa must conquer her fears and take a stand now that she's finally awake.
BLACK ARTEMIS – PICTURE ME ROLLIN - $5.99 - - - In this hardcore novel of love and betrayal, a female ex-con moved by the power, poetry, and dangerous passion of Tupac Shakur has plans to play it straight and do the right thing for her future survival. But her lover Jesus, the man she went to prison for on a gun possession charge, is intent on bringing her back into his game. She finds herself caught between inescapable yet contradictory forces-the passion for the streets and the inspiration of her conscience, just like her idol Pac. With righteous anger to burn, she's got to pull her life together before it's too late.
LAKISHIA N. SMITH – WHAT EVERY HAPPENED 2 MY KIND – $15.00 Paperback - - - The story starts slow, and I’m not much for continuing to read a book if after the first 50 pages it does not catch me, I dumped the book. Sometimes I come back. Then a few weeks later, I got into the “Hood Love,” mood and it worked. When King and Roscoe arrive, it’s on. What Ever Happened 2 My King
Now, I need the second part and here it is:
LAKISHIA N. SMITH – LIFE’S PAINS DESTINY’S GAIN – $11.70 - - - When I got the first one, I thought, “wow,” she is pretty good, so let’s see if there is anything else out there from her. On another note, both books came out in 2005 and 2006.
Leesha McFadden, from Westport Projects, located in Baltimore, Maryland has already proven to the world that it's not where you're from its where you plan to go; growing up in one of B-more's most debilitated neighborhoods that holds very little hope of survival or success, this young heroine becomes a very triumphant novelist. Leesha's all grown up now, but does she finally possess the ability to make grown up decisions?
Born and raised in the community of Flatbush located in Brooklyn, New York; young, beautiful, and yet quite fragile, Jasmine aka Cinnamon, is the perfect definition of the slogan hard knock life. From the ghastly relationship with her estranged mother, to the disappearance of her dead beat baby-daddy, this young casualty faces the unthinkable and is sentenced to do a-hella time at the Rikers Island Prison for Women.
Both ladies meet up on the inside and struggle to survive the rough, tough, grounds of Rikers. Will they survive? This page turner is full of drama, emotion, chaotic twist and most importantly life's lesson.
L. A. BANKS – FINDERS KEEPERS – (DARK AVENGERS SERIES) - $1.99 - - - I love vampires. Whether it’s Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff (He played a mean Frankenstein. You can’t tell me you did not like that look with his eyes that tells you he was ready to kick ass;), Frank Langella (He played a sexy vampire. I just loved when he came into the living room and swooshed the caped around his neck, which also swooshed the damsel in distress, and then I wished it was me.) I get a lick our of vampires. They are so smoooooth!!!!
MARY MONROE – MAMA RUBY - $9.99 - - - Mama Ruby
An unforgettable tale featuring Mama Ruby, the indomitable heroine of her acclaimed novel Before I get into this novel, here’s a write up of THE UPPER ROOM - $4.99, The Upper Room
just in case you want to read it first - - - Ruby Montgomery, an obese, indomitable character who steals her best friend's baby daughter and flees to rural Florida, where she establishes herself as an almost mythical figure. The dialogue and setting are reminiscent of Zora Neale Hurston, but the story has a bizarre, violent edge, like reading a Stephen King novel, scary and weird. Fantastic and exaggerated, the novel may seem dated in its descriptions of race and sex, but it is a candid portrayal of the cold-blooded yet fascinating Mama Ruby.
Mama Ruby is the continuing story of Ruby. Growing up in Shreveport, Louisiana, Ruby Jean Upshaw is the kind of girl who knows what she wants and knows how to get it. By the time she’s fifteen, Ruby has developed a taste for fast men and cheap liquor, and not even her preacher daddy can set her straight. Most everyone in the neighborhood knows you don’t cross Ruby. Only Othella Mae Cartier, daughter of the town tramp, understands what makes Ruby tick.
When Ruby discovers she’s in the family way, she’s scared for the first time in her life. After hiding her growing belly with baggy dresses, Ruby secretly gives birth to a baby girl at Othella’s house. With few choices, Othella talks Ruby into giving the child away-and with the help of a shocking revelation, convinces Ruby to run off with her to New Orleans.
But nothing can erase Ruby’s memories of the child she lost-or quell her simmering rage at Othella for persuading her to let her precious baby go. If there’s a fine line between best friend and worst nightmare, Ruby is surely treading it. Because someday, there will be a reckoning. And when it comes, Othella will learn the hard way that no one knows how to exact revenge quite like Ruby Jean Upshaw.
OK, don’t’ blame me, it’s the title of the book, KERMESHEA HILLIARD EVANS – GOING TO CHURCH TO CATCH HELL - $9.95 - - - Growing up as a Preacher's Kid was not all that it appeared to be for this author. The fancy cars, private jets, "Lifestyles of the Rich and Religious"; lavish luxuries, all with an extreme emotional price. Having spent her teens and early twenties organizing and building a multi-million dollar, mega church ministry alongside her parents, she decided to walk away, a decision that ripped through the fabric of her entire family. A disowned daughter, damaged relationships, and deception from the pulpit, but why? The personal story of the turmoil’s, tears and triumphs of Kermeshea Elaine Hilliard Evans are uncovered in the book "Going To Church To Catch Hell." This book is a testament of emotional healing and the power of forgiveness.
Got to get two in for Black History - - -
DANIEL BLACK – The Sacred Place: A novel- $13.99 Hardback - - - While spending the summer of 1955 with relatives in Money, Miss., 14-year-old Chicago-raised Clement unleashes hell when he buys a root beer at the general store and refuses to place the nickel in the white female cashier's hand, leaving it instead on the counter. Though his sharecropping grandparents and aunt and uncle try desperately to protect him—his grandfather shoots and kills the men who come looking for the boy—Clement is abducted and his death is inevitable. Patriarch Jeremiah Johnson's pain and anger bring him to call a town meeting, and the town's blacks decide to stand up against generations of murders, lynching’s, rapes and other violence.
DANIEL BLACK - PERFECT PEACE - $12.99 - - - Black (The Sacred Place) explores the fateful decision of Emma Jean Peace to raise her seventh son, Perfect, as the daughter she has always wanted. Her plan, nutty as it is, works out until Perfect is eight years old and his blind older brother, Bartimaeus, makes an innocent discovery about his sister's body. Soon after, Perfect's friends begin talk of womanhood, prompting Emma Jean to reveal to Perfect the truth. So begins an education for Perfect—rechristened Paul—on manhood while his small Arkansas town casts an unforgiving eye on its newest curiosity. While the rural South backdrop is overly familiar and the dialogue is painfully hoary (What chu talkin' 'bout, Emma Jean?), Black manages a nuanced exploration of sexual identity and social structures without elevating his characters to angels or martyrs.
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