I know you have been a few days without me, but I have a good excuse. My daughter graduated from college last Friday. Her dad and I went up a few days early to get her ready for the ceremony and to pack all of that stuff in her apartment. How does one person collect so many damn shoes!! We had to get a U-Haul Truck. How did my baby, who I held in my arms, grow up into such a beautiful woman? We had the best week together before she goes to Washington, DC to start her job. The ceremony was great and I just cried and cried. My baby no more!!! Now it's on to adulthood and I cannot stop it.
Yes, I worked and worked thru my contacts in DC to get her and a few of her friends jobs. Many of her friends did not want to leave SC. I understand, their family is here, but she is going back. It’s our home and always will be. Coming down here to Charleston was another stop in my job but it was not going to stop me from sending her home and me later. I need to go home or at least another state. Cannot stay too long here. I'm finished. I raised her and got her through college. It was hard and worth every single broke step. It was worth it!!!!!!!
Another thing I am very happy about is her father and I are still good friends. I refuse to keep my hate toward him. I forgave him and my self. It’s over, so lets move on and raise this child together, even if we are far away, she is still your daughter and I’m not taking that away nor creating an environment of hatred, it’s not worth it. Now I realize how important it was for me to let those feelings go so many years ago and push her toward him everyday and night. It worked. They have the best Father/Daughter relationship in the world and I’m more than happy about it.
OK, I have been late, lets get to some books. Will be back and not giving up, not one minute am I giving up. I love this too much!!
J. J. MICHEL - SECRETS UNRAVELED - $.99 - - - Another story of a woman's rise to power, fall from grace, and fight for salvation. Since childhood Margaret Pierce has always heard voices in her head. Trapped in a world of delusions and fears, she refused to believe either of her psychiatrists' diagnosis, one being schizophrenia and the other psychic. Once the most powerful first lady of the renowned Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Washington, DC, she now spends her days in her bedroom planning her climb back to the top. But one person stands in her way, Pastor Alan Pierce, her husband, who threatens to have her committed to a mental institution. He better watch out, she knows his deep dark secrets, but of course no one will listen to her, until some crap hits the fan. Pretty good “Dynasty - TV Soap Opera” stuff. Have you noticed, these “christian” books always got some serious and funny stuff going on. I’m enjoying it because so many people go to church on Sunday and play “devil” games the rest of the week. When will we learn, when will we learn!!
I just started reading, VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY - TRUTH BE TOLD - $11.00. I’ve just begun to read the book, but if a book catches your attention thru the first 20 pages, I usually give a book 50 pages, then I know you will enjoy this. Another christian book and you may be tired of all of these christian books trying to tell it like it really is, but in each one there is an understand that all of us are wrong, but we can fix it. Even have a little fun fixing it. So, get with the program and forgive and more forward. Your own life is at stake, so get off of it and move on.
This is not your mother's faith fiction. Murray knows how to make the sex scenes sizzle in her latest novel about Christians and the power of forgiveness. African-American couple Grace and Conner Monroe have had a bumpy life together: Grace once had an on-again, off-again affair, but she and her husband have rebuilt their marriage with love and prayer. Now, with Grace newly elected to the Los Angeles city council, it seems their life together has never been better, but, you know there’s a but. Conner reveals that he was unfaithful years ago with his now-dying former assistant, and their adolescent son, Solomon, needs a father and a home. In the midst of her disillusionment, Grace must also deal with her 15-year-old daughter Jayde's rebellion and with Grace's competitive sister, Mabel (aka Starlight), whose career as a charlatan motivational speaker is catapulting her to fame and fortune. One scene is especially memorable, not to me, but hey! Starlight and her lover, Lexington, have sex while Starlight chats breathlessly on the phone with a pastor she contemplates later seducing. Now how stupid is that!! Come on!! give me a break!!! Grace's battle with forgiveness and her dilemma about opening her heart to Conner's son and to her spiritually lost, power-hungry sister makes even this too-long novel an enjoyable read.
If you have not read, KIMBERLA LAWSON ROBY - LOVE, HONOR, AND BETRAY - $11.99 - Love, Honor, and Betray
then you need to get this one too. He is truly a low down dirty dog, but he keeps trying over and over again), and his wife, Charlotte. She is pissed and I mean pissed. A woman who ignores a child the way she does in this book, makes me pissed, but this is one of Roby’s best and I love all of her books. Man, people will do anything in the church.
Got another one I’m reading too. I read about four or five books at a time. Yes, it’s crazy, but remember, I love, love books and cain’t get enough of them!!!
DIJORN MOSS - THE RETREAT - $7.79 - - - While working at the library on my vacation, I noticed this book and borrowed it and brought it for my kindle. Have not started reading it yet, but the back cover gives you some insight about what men talk about at a Christian men’s retreat. Well, why not find out. I may learn something new and it’s always exciting to find a new author, especially a black brother.
If you have wondered what goes on at a men’s retreat, author Dijorn Moss gives readers an in-depth look into the lives of four men who have looked for answers in all the wrong places. Quincy, Jamal, Will and Chauncey try their best to be men of God, but it’s not easy when each one of them have questions about affairs, lying, illness and anything else the devil throws at them. These four men are all at a crossroads in their lives. Will they lay their burdens down at the cross, or will they choose paths that will cause more harm than good? It will all be revealed at the men’s retreat, where they learn that they need God and his wisdom more than ever.
I remember when I met OMAR TYREE at a the Black Expo in Washington, DC. Not only was he fine, but so intelligent and very nice. He was promoting his book, CAPITAL CITY: THE CHRONICLES OF A D.C. UNDERWORLD - $1.50 PAPERBACK - Capital City: The Chronicles of a D.C. Underworld
, and I brought it. Will have to go back and remind myself what it is about, but the next time I saw him, at the Philadelphia Book Fair, he was promoting FLYY GIRL - $7.99, and I fell in love with him again. The story of Tracy from her sixth birthday party in 1977 to her 17th birthday growing up in the middle-class Philadelphia suburb of Germantown. The daughter of a pharmacist and a dietitian, she is pretty and intelligent, armed with solid self-esteem and a sassy mouth. Like most of her friends, she's also boy crazy, and readers watch as her physical maturation leads to increasing sexual activity. While experiencing the indulgent, hip-hop 1980s and the insidious effects of the cocaine economy that flourishes in black communities, Tracy must also come to terms with her parents' separation.
This second book of his, written in a language that I understood living in DC, reminded me of another author who also spoke to me, Terry Macmillan. The conversations between the young people trying to figure out their sexuality with words and phases that I’m sure you will understand, made me feel not necessarily left out because I was older, but kind of comfortable because I understood what they were saying. Some books when you read them you don’t quite know how it relates to you. It was honest and to the point, which is many reason I like all types of books. At some point in my life, a book reminds me of my past and future and gives me some good dreams at night. Some areas of the book were sketchy and some of the cussing was not needed, but the point came across. Get the book and remember your past.
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