Number 21
Well, so far it has been a good week. I managed to get so many things accomplished at work and it’s just Wednesday. We lost one of our best employees, he got a new job with a promotion, and now Renee and I are going to be doing a lot more grunt work. You know the type of work I mean, the work where some body has to do it, but no one wants to. It’s beneath them. Or, it’s not in my job description or I don’t have the time. I don’t mind grunt work at all. My grandmother always told me to do what ever is necessary to get the job done. It doesn’t matter what it takes, just do it and be over it. If no one else wants to, you do it, believe me, you will feel great and very blessed. GOD knows you are doing it. Isn’t that more important? So, do what you have to do to get the job over and done with. It’s the same in relationship.
You know that guy you want to date or marry you is not really for you. You see your friends and relatives with good men and you wonder, where’s mine man? He’s around. Just stop thinking about what you want in a man; you already know it and so does GOD. Stop looking. Let GOD take over. I think he knows better than we do sometimes anyway. In the meantime, do the grunt work; work on you. Be happy with who you are and what you are doing. If you don’t like what you are doing or seeing in yourself, then exercise more, eat more vegetables, walk more, get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather, cut off the TV for a day or two, walk in the rain. Oh, excuse me; don’t forget about your hair. You know how we black women are about our hair. Me, I could not really give a damn if it’s nappy or straight. Enjoy your life more. Travel to the local library, recreation center, help at a homeless shelter, help at the local school. Drive 100 miles from your home and sight see. Oh, my God, the things you can do!!! But for right now, download one of these books. Go to your front or back porch or favorite chair with a cup of coffee or what every, relax and read, read. I will betcha, as soon as you stop looking; you will look up and see that he’s there, waiting for you. Give it a try. What the hell, You got nothing to lose.
Oh, and another thing. If my blog becomes boring or there is something you don’t like, or do like, tell me. I would like to see comments to make sure I’m giving my customers what they want. And I mean it. The customer is first and foremost. Thanks
THE LESSON - $9.99 - - -Twenty years after Earth's devastating bio-genetic racial war, David Kenyatta, African American ace Freighter Pilot and Space Engineer crash lands on a wild and remote planet kept hidden for centuries by the Altoura Nebula. The deadly secrets he discovers there will ultimately save or destroy the last survivors of humanity forever.
THE REAL THING - $9.60 - - - Former boxing champion Dante "Blood and Guts" Lattanza is being featured in Personality magazine's "Sexiest Men Alive" issue and reporter Christiana Artis has the scoop. There's just one hitch: she'll have to fly to her elusive subject's home in Canada. But once she lays eyes on Dante's chiseled physique and sultry Italian looks, she decides it was worth every mile. Too bad his icy demeanor doesn't match his hot body. Since he lost his last fight ten years ago, Dante has led a reclusive life--and he never gives interviews. But he's making a comeback, ready to prove to the world--and his ex-wife--that he can still win a championship. He gives Christiana an ultimatum: if she can perform five tasks, she can ask him five questions. And then she can be on her way. Yet Dante's always had a weakness for beautiful black women, and seeing Christiana everyday is enough to melt his defenses. Soon Christiana is an intimate part of the very story she came to write. But when the line between personal and professional gets blurred, it can be difficult to see when you've found the real thing. ...
CHANGING THE RULES - $6.99 - - - Sasha Jordan has five simple rules when it comes to men and she’s managed to live within them until the morning of her big job interview. That’s when she first lays eyes on Dylan Matthews, CFO of the company where she’s just been hired. He’s everything she’s looking for in a man except for one small problem. He violates every one of her rules. Now the rules that were created to keep her from getting hurt could keep her from getting the man of her dreams. Dylan Matthews, CFO of Presco Financial, never thought he would find the right woman for him. And being one of Chicago’s most eligible bachelors hasn’t exactly made it any easier. But from the moment he sees Sasha Jordan rushing towards him he knows there’s something about her that he just has to get to know better. Only problem is she’s got a rule for everything and wouldn’t you know it her number one rule is no dating outside of her race.
Ok,Ok, I have the next book at the end. The cover looked swelteringly good!! And the price is cheap. It’s not a long book, but short and to the point. Hey, for $1.99, there ain’t going to be much sexual spark in there any way, but she’s a sister trying to sell her book and I’m going to buy it to help her continue writing. Let me know what you think.
RIVAL LOVERS - $1.99 - - - Sharon and Jason were instant rivals the moment he set foot in her domain at work. They each found delight in making the other look bad, yet ignoring the sexual spark that flashed between them. When desire is too much bear, past hurts are left behind. What they really mean is, girl see boy, girl get hot, girl says, “too bad boy is white,” then girl says, “What the hell, I’m going to give it a try.”
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