Number 19
Well, I’m back from Washington, D.C. and man, do I miss my home town. I miss my friends Lindberg, Karen, JD, Tanya, Dean and so many others, especially my grandmother. Every time I go home, I try to visit the neighborhood, Lincoln Heights in NE DC, where my grandmother and I lived. I miss everything about her. Every day when I get up in the morning, I pray to God, the Lord, Marie (my mother-in-law), Aunt Precious (my grandmother’s sister), and my grandmother, “Muh.” I thank them all for getting me out of the lonely, dark and sometimes depressing mode of living, each and every morning. I miss them so much.
I lived for my grandmother. I would do anything for her and sometimes in the back of my mind, I feel hurt and very lonely because I could have done more to save her. Yes, Yes, I know she was getting old and it was time for her to move on, but I still cry all the time because I need her. I needed her way after I grew up, got married and after having her first great grand child. Her picture is in my living room and I always, always look at it and start all over again missing her. I’m sure many people have a love one that they miss, but there are times when I’m ready to go to heaven and be with her.
I have done a pretty good job here on earth. I raised my daughter and she has turned out to be the most beautiful and intelligent young lady, but it’s not enough. I have forgiven my ex, mother and others and moved beyond the angry. I have done the good thing and stayed on the path my grandmother gave me, but it’s not enough. What do you do when you have sacrificed your life to help your grandmother and raise your child by yourself? I would not change anything I have done in the past, but what do you do after than. Life has turned out pretty good, but what do you do after that life is over.
I’m working on it, but I still want and need my grandmother more than my life. Sorry, if this sounds depressing, I’m going down memory lane and I guess it got a bit emotional.
Well, let’s get to books on relationships. I’m friends on face book with KOLE BLACK. He is a young, black and gifted writer of urban fiction and I thought you would like to download and read some of his work. If you like Steve Harvey’s book, ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN - $10.99, then I think you will enjoy Kole’s books on relationships. His version of urban fiction and relationship has a different way of looking at black relationships and it’s funny with first-class smartness.
THE CHANCE SHE TOOK (7/2007) - $6.99
Quote from Amazon, “The Chance She Took is the story of Miss Rayqelle Davis, the step daughter of a Chicago police officer, who grows up in a seriously dysfunctional home and turns to the streets as a means of escape. After some truly bad experiences with thug love, that leave her both emotionally and physically battered, Rayqelle soon grows to understand that fast life and fast love in the hood isn’t all that it's cracked up to be.”
THE RISK OF CHANCE (3/2003) - $6.99 (Second book in series)
THE GAME OF CHANCE (3/2010) - $6.99 (Third book in series)
CHANCE & DRAMA (The Chance Series) (8/2010) - $6.99
SEX THERAPY: A Women’s Guide to Understanding Why Men Cheat) - $6.99
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