Just got back from the dentist. So expensive and so drugged up now. You know, I'm working hard to stop smoking (day 8 of e-cigarettes), eat more vegetables and fruits, walk Tommy more and overall, just trying to take real good care of myself and stay happy. I'm old. Not really old like 60 or 70 or even 80, just older. Of course I don't look my age, especially since I took out the plaits in my hair, washed and colored with no relaxer. I just pressed, brushed and greased the scalp.
My hair has gotten even longer from 5 years ago when I finally decided to stop putting any relaxers in my hair. I guess you count color as a chemical, but you can buy a natural one. I have had my hair out for 7 days and it's driving me crazy. It's just flying out like a big bush and I mean big. One girl said it was beautiful because its my own hair. No wig, weave or tracks. Yes, Lord it's my own hair and it's as nappy as a Brillo soap pad. It's that tough. It can break a pick, plastic comb, hair brush, hot pressing comb and any other adverse conditions. My grandmother use to call my hair, "Back to Africa."
My grandmother would wash, grease and plait it. Her, my great aunt and mother would take me to the hair dresser every September before school started to get it pressed. I hated going to that hair dresser. Every young black girl in the neighborhood was there and I was usually the only one with a book in her hand. That's why today I carry books with me ever where I go. I would often say, "what am I going to do while sitting and waiting for Mrs. Gibbs to do my hair, "read a book, my grandmother would say, and I'll be back in four hours." I would be in that hot, loud taking, smelly burnt hair salon for four or five hours. Drove me crazy until I finally got to read my books, then I did not care. That's another reason I was called crazy, people in the hair salon would say "Jinny's grand child is weird, she always got a book in her face."
My first year in high school, and I was still not happy about getting ready to get my hair done for school, my grandmother decided to, "Stop paying that damn hair dresser Mrs. Gibbs to do ninda's hair." (Yes, I was called "ninda" they could not or would not say Linda. Even though my real name is Virginia-Linda. I changed it because I was not going around life being called, "Virginia-Linda." No way.) It was decided three days before the awful burnt of my scalp, that I would no longer get my hair pressed. My grandmother said, "Hell, the child comes home from the first day of school and the hair is all over her face, dirty, bushy and not straight and as nappy as hell." Stop the presses, it's not worth the money, just come over here and I will plait it.
I've been in plaits every since. I did years ago cut it real short after my child was born, but hubby, his family and mine did not like it. Said I look like a boy. So, it's 2014 and I will be back to long plaits before the end of the month. You don't know how long it takes to comb this here hair. It's a long, long time.
More new books:
GABRIELLE ZAVIN - THE STORIED LIFE OF A. J. FIKRY: A NOVEL - $9.48 - - - Why did it get this book, because it's about a bookstore owner who has loss the love of his life and the love of books. How can you lose the love of books. I just started reading it a few days ago and I must say I am loving it, especially the surprise package he received.
The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry: A Novel

So, me and Tommy's next road trip, which is tomorrow, I'm stopping by The Booksmith to pick up the first 5 in this series for 10 kids. I don't care how much it costs, every year GOD finds a way for me to do this and I enjoy it so very much. On another note, her book is becoming a movie soon. I hope when it comes out I will be able to take some of the kids from the Carolina Youth Group to see it.
The Dork Diaries Set: Dork Diaries Books 1, 2, 3, 3 1/2, 4, and 5
NELSON GEORGE - THE HIPPEST TRIP IN AMERICA: SOUL TRAIN AND THE EVOLUTION OF CULTURE & STYLE - $16.99 - - - What more can I say about this book, it is long, long overdue.
From the Booklist - Music critic and novelist George (The Plot against Hip Hop, 2011) runs down the story of the barrier-breaking and hugely influential television show Soul Train, which for 35 years delivered “love, peace, and soul” to households everywhere in the form of hit songs, innovative dance moves, and “freaky, fantastic” fashions. Inspired by the civil rights movement, Chicago radio reporter turned television trailblazer Don Cornelius, whom George describes as the epitome of cool, boldly carved out the first mass-media space for “black dance by black dancers presented by a black producer.” In this lively, documentary-style biography of an instant hit show with remarkable draw and staying power (1971–2006), George considers Cornelius’ complexities (he took his own life in 2012), recounts the appearances of stellar performers (James Brown, Patti LaBelle, Kurtis Blow), profiles the show’s most memorable dancers (Damita Jo Freeman, Jeffrey Daniel, Jody Watley, Rosie Perez), and chronicles the launching of dance trends (locking, waaking, the electric boogaloo). George’s swift ride through the decades of Soul Train is a kaleidoscopic trip through one of the brightest zones in the evolution of American culture. -- Donna Seaman
The Hippest Trip in America: Soul Train and the Evolution of Culture & Style
Got to get one in for Black History Year:
STEVEN CORBIN - NO EASY PLACE TO BE: A NOVEL - Hardcover $4.00 - - - I got this book in 1989 and saw a few of my markings, but I don't quite remember something unique about it. Oh, well, I will just have to re-read it again.
This spellbinding novel magnificently re-creates one of the most exciting periods in American history, the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s. As three black sisters come of age, they pursue lives and careers in three very different professions.
No Easy Place to Be: A Novel
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