Well, it’s been another week and I made it. Did not have to hurt anyone. Did not have to cuss someone out. Did not have to pull what little bit of hair I have out and did not have to go around and say, Damn,! Why oh why are they tripping harder than a rock? Has the world truly, truly gone mad beyond Twilight Zone! Is it me? Or is it in the drinking water, sodas, liquor, McDonald’s hamburgs, the fake fish. You know good and ding dong well it ain’t real fish, and people get to the drive thru of fast foods like McDonald's and actually ask that question, “what kind of fish is it? I just wish I was on the other end of that drive thru and scream, “It ain’t no real fish! It’s made from something, but it ain’t real!!! ‘Let it go, just let it go and put your order in.” (I always wanted to say that at a drive thru - I need help myself, don’t I)
Or is it that we are just lost in a jungle of overgrown plants (crazy people), who feed like vampires on a blood lust hunt! What is it? You are probably wondering too. Don’t. It’s not worth the worry. With Democratic and Republican’s having acid and mushroom trips, earthquakes and hurricanes in DC, (Speaking of earthquakes. My daughter called me last week, “Mommy, I don’t believe it! I lived in South Carolina for 6 and half years and no problems with hurricanes and here I am in DC, with an earthquake on Tuesday and a hurricane coming on Friday!! Don’t you feel sorry for me?” No, I don’t (lol), sorry, glad it’s not me!, but in the end, she is OK), economy going down and gas going up, what is one to do but either go “crazy african” or pray harder. I’m praying harder.
I’m rambling on too much and really I had a very good week. I managed to catch up on reading and I always, always enjoy going into some else’s mind and/or world to get away from this world, at least for a little while. Let’s get to some books.
On the second day of the National Book Club Conference, Oh, wait, I forgot to give a shout out to ABDUL-MALIK (ALAN CRAMER), one of my biggest fan of my blog on Amazon and a subscriber. I want to let you guys know about his books, which I have all of them. Now, his first book, GOD HELPS THOSE... - $1.00 - God Helps Those...
, did have a few spelling errors and some points of the plot were foreseeable and at times unrealistic. A young, college educated black man smokes his first joint and gets hooks on freebasing, of course his life, in which he has a good job, a beautiful girlfriend and living the good life, it’s going to get ruin, that’s obvious, but will he get back on track or die trying. I know you heard the story before and there maybe a few issues with the book, but I’m going to let you know, nobody is perfect. It’s his first and it has some wisdom and the plot is pretty good. Give him a chance, he does get better. His other book, THE LIFE - $0.99 - The Life
, this time, the brother does a mystery with a sister name Honey Sinclair, a New York detective with a father in jail for running a crack trade in the same neighborhood that she grow up in and now she is trying to solve the murders of some “fly girls.” Don’t be fool this time, Cramer got it right. One of my favorite murder mysteries with an Urban cool.
His third book, TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE A RIGHT - 99 cents - Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right
Now come on, three books for the price of $3.00?? Give him a chance and let him know what you actually think about his books. I do not think you will disappointed.
Unassuming Transit clerk Andre Steele (aren’t they all?) falls hard when he meets Leigh who’s half his age. They become involved, but Leigh keeps a neighborhood bum, Jaheem, on the side as her real love interest. Hoping to impress Leigh, Andre embezzles money from his employer. What Andre doesn't realize is that Leigh and Jaheem are getting rich on his songs, which have become a huge success under Leigh's name.
No one has submitted a review yet on this book, so, please write something on Amazon. Tell him the truth and let him know if you like it or don’t like it. Authors love to receive comments, it makes them better writers.
This week I was catching up with the some books I got free at the National Book Club Conference. As I was stating above, the second day was the Romance Panel. We met and listen to Donna Hill, Kimberly Kaye Terry, J.D. Mason, Beverly Jenkins and Brenda Jackson. All of them are my favorite, except for one and it's because it was the first time I heard about her, KIMBERLY KAYE TERRY. I got and read the third one in the series, TO LOVE A WILDE - $3.99 - To Love a Wilde (Kimani Romance)
- - - Yasmine has always been in love with Holt, one of three brothers (all three were adopted and they are White, Native American and African American), Holt is white. Yasmine
I’ll tell you what’s new. Unlike Brenda Jackson (What a Westmoreland Wants - 81 cents - What a Westmoreland Wants (Harlequin Desire)
; Spontaneous - 86 cents - Spontaneous (Harlequin Blaze)
; and my favorite motorcycle man, THORN’S CHALLENGE - Thorn's Challenge (Harlequin Desire)
, (if you have not read it, I have read it four times, please let me know how in the hell did they do it on the motorcycle? I asked that question of Mrs. Jackson at the Romance Panel and she told me I had to learn more about motorcycles and many women there afterwards asked me, “Which book is that in? I had those women going crazy about my question and it worked, sales went up.
Mrs. Jackson’s sexual scenes are soft and supple and discreet, where as Mrs. Terry’s will have you saying, “Well I’ll be damn!!. She is straight up sexually stimulating. Some of those scenes should not be read in bed or near a man you have wanted in a long time. Watch out!!! Zane and her can hurt some body!!
I will let you sip on that and will talk about her other two in this series in the next blog. I’m sweating now!!!
Got to stick on one for Black History Year.
I’m sure some of you are not into romance novels. Yeah! Yeah! I know, it makes you feel like those “Harlequin Romance” novels of the 60’s. No, you may not have been born during those times, neither was I, but you remember those little books of white couples with the woman dropping over the man and her hair flying in the wind as if she is pushing him away, but deep down she wants him badly with yearning in her soul (I read that somewhere, don't laugh!!, even thou it's funny!) where the couple have to go thru the stupidest, trying struggles before they realize they are in love and kiss. Man, it took forever for them to kiss, upset me sometimes. I gave up on reading them, until I was introduced to black romance writers by a friend of mine who has the largest selection of romance novels I have ever seen. I went to a literary dinner function and met BEVERLY JENKINS. After my friend told me to get her book and read it (I was blackmailed to read it I want you to know!!), I said Ok, Ok, leave me along. I got boocoo hooked and I love the historical aspect of her books. It was on and it’s still on. You once again will not, repeat, not be disappointed. Start with the first one, NIGHT SONG - $10.00 Paperback - Night Song
- - The cover looks like some woman just about to be kissed by a strong, handsome black man. Don’t tell me you don’t want that to happen, especially when he has no shirt on, sheeze!! Just get the book!!
Cara Lee Henson knows no soldier can be trusted to stay in one place, especially Sergeant Chase Jefferson (I’m sure he’s the one on the cover. Not bad, not bad at all!!). Cara is a independent Kansas schoolteacher and will not let Jefferson’s advances keep her from losing her job, but you know underneath, she is smouldering with desires and Chase has, of course, never wanted a woman so badly. I like to know, does that really, really, really happen?
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