I got to rub it in. I’m still on vacation. Unfortunately, I have to get back to work on Monday. Its OK, at least I got a job to go back to. I do have some vacation time and a job. Imagine so many people out of work and so many working two or three jobs with no time off for themselves or family. I am blessed and very thankful. Not to say I don’t have money problems, I do, like everyone else. Everything is going up in price. It seems like the day to day items you need, lunch, toothpaste, sodas, change for the meter, change for the kids lunch, dry cleaning, electric, cable, gas (Damn, that sucker went up again to $2.67 in Charleston and I know its pretty high in DC), and coffee. If you go to Starbucks each morning and pay $1.40 for a tall Pike Place, Sumatra (my favorite) or what every the flavor is that day, it’s about seven dollars a week. If you smoke, about $20.00 a week, depending upon your brand. I see folks smoking cigarettes with the brand that reads just “cigarettes.” What’s in that smoke?
Everything has gone up, but our salary has not. With all that is going on in the world today, the media does not paint a good picture that next year it will get better.
Well, we have to cut down on the fancy things, you know, Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom (I love that store when they have a sale and it’s unbelievable the prices they cut items down to when you know it originally cost that price in the first place. Who do they think they are kidding!).
So, we cut down on more items. No more take out, no more $10.00 movies (Can you believe how high movies have gone up. A bag of popcorn with a soda and ticket can cost $25.00, crap!! - I'll bring in my own candy and popcorn and go to the $2.00 movie theatre). Become a volunteer Usher and see plays and shows free. They are always look for volunteers at many places because they cannot afford to hire. So put on your black pants and white shirt and volunteer at your local theatre and see a good play then use the extra money you save and buy cheap priced books for the Kindle, iPad, iPhone or what every your heart desires just as long as it’s cheap.
The Capital BookFest is a one day literary festival of a writers, poets and children book authors. It is being held for 2010 in Harrisburg, PA, Largo, MD and Charleston, SC. I wanted to go to the one in Largo, since it’s close to my hometown of DC, but they are coming in this weekend to Charleston on November 6 and of course I am volunteering to help. I just love book fairs. I get autographs of my favorite authors and buy so many books.
I was not at the one in Largo, but, here are some of the authors who were there and their books. I have listed some of the books, but will list more on my next blog. Please support them and buy their books, you will not regret it
Robert Pierre
A Day Late and a Dollar Short: High Hopes and Deferred Dreams in Obama's
"Post-Racial" America - $12.99
Click Here - A Day Late and a Dollar Short: High Hopes and Deferred Dreams in Obama's "Post-Racial" America
Ytasha L. Womack
Post Black: How a New Generation is Redefining African American Identity - $9.99
Click Here - Post Black: How a New Generation Is Redefining African American Identity
Victoria Rowell
Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva- $9.99
Click Here - Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva: A Novel
Robin Stone
My Times in Black and White: Race and Power at the New York Times - $9.99
Click Here - My Times in Black and White: Race and Power at the New York Times
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Before I Forget - $7.99 - - - Quote from Amazon, “In a seamless transition to fiction, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Pitts Jr. (Becoming Dad) delivers an unsettling, compelling first novel about secrets, illness, and the role of African-American men in society and family life. His absorbing story centers on unmarried father of one Mo Johnson, a faded 1970s soul star living in Baltimore, and diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's at the age of 49. Overwhelmed with regrets, and unable to confess his diagnosis, he sets out to make things right with two men long absent in his life: his teenage son, Trey, an unwed father facing armed-robbery charges; and his father, Jack, now ravaged by cancer. Mo and Trey take a cross-country road trip to visit Jack in his final days, each character a simmering cauldron of secrets, grief, and recrimination about to boil over. Unfolding like a film (big names are already attached to a possible movie adaptation), the novel takes readers to rural 1940s Mississippi, South Central L.A. in the swingin' 1950s, and present-day Las Vegas with immersing dialog and vivid, powerful imagery.
Click Here - Before I Forget
Pastor Jamal Bryant
World War Me- $10.99. The forward is by Bishop T.J. Jakes
Click Here - World War Me
Bertice Berry
The Ties That Bind - $14.37
Click Here - The Ties That Bind: A Memoir of Race, Memory, and Redemption
Tinesha Davis
Holler at the Moon: A Novel - $9.99
Click Here - Holler at the Moon
Kia Dupree
Damaged - $9.99
Click Here - Damaged
Trice Hickman
Playing the Hand You’re Dealt - $9.99
Click Here - Playing the Hand You're Dealt
Ned Sublette
The Year Before the Flood: A Story of New Orleans - $13.77
Click Here - The Year Before the Flood: A Story of New Orleans
Batt Humphreys
Dead Weight - $9.66
Click Here - Dead Weight