Tell me what you think of the guest blog below. I know her and she is a very, very good writer. Definitely funny too:
Christmas was weird. And that’s pretty much all I have to say about that….
New Years was big in Texas. Dallas to be specific. But I’m not sure big is the right word. More like wide…like everywhere. There is so much space. I felt like I should be continuously contemplating life choices just walking down the street. I’ll certainly have the time. Thank god, our hotel was within walking distance of Starbucksthough , my one connection to city life. I’m hopeless in rural areas despite my loving roots as a Clemson Tiger in the mountains. I consider those four years as amazingly wonderful, but very much temporary and my interaction with “real country” experiences limited/restricted to my red-neck best friend.
And then let’s talk about how very flat this state is. I’m not necessarily talking about the people, even though some are certainly more predictable that I’m used too, but you definitely get a sense of belonging there anyway. The few tall buildings that did exist happened to be banks not based in the country, and a lovely Reunion Tower, the purpose of which I’m still struggling to grasp. However let’s not forget that Dallas is the sight of one of our fallen presidents’ assassination. We did check out thee Kennedy Memorial and read the stories/follow the progression. It was a sobering experience, but an important one to have when in Dallas.
The gorgeous apartments and houses in Uptown suggest the occupation of one Courtney Kerr (whom I had no idea was an existing person until we got there and everyone proceeded to stalk her life) and various other “down-to-earth” celebrities.Breadwinners was a hit just as all the sites recommended it would be. Velvet Taco was freakin’ delicious and in a very unique location off the side of a main high way. Galleria mall is too impressive with a four story high Christmas tree right smack in the middle of a circular ice skating rink which you could casually view from every story. Yes, I went to the mall on vacation, because it’s basically research. And I think we can all learn a thing or two about the necessity of a mall when toxic gases infiltrate the ozone layer…just saying.
Dallas was a success, apart from a few drama mishaps. I mean I expect nothing less in a group of 12 ladies, most of which reside in Florida where weirdness lives anyway, but there were two particular ladies that I friended on the trip and promptly defriended upon boarding my plane home. Hats off to these ladies, though, because it was cold and they aren’t cold people, but they remained troopers despite the misleading bright, sunny days viewable from hotel windows in contrast with harsh cold winds the minute you walk out the door.
Because of this trip, particularly the traveling aspects of it, I realized a few things that are kind of annoying (by that I mean definitely annoying). People who text with bad grammar…you had to purposefully put in those ridiculously misspelled words against the recommendation of your auto T9. This is not a good sign. Babies on planes: Yes I know they’re freaking adorable but on a 6 am flight they’re more like a migraine with an oversize (lets be honest, often unnecessary) stroller attached. Those very specific elders who believe they’ve been God’s gift to the world and as such should be guaranteed first class service at every turn. No you cannot have that last bagel just because you lived longer than me. No I’m not going to switch seats with you because you think the window would be better for your health. This is the metro, lady. We’re all screwed if we believe that mess. If anything these acts of self-entitlement suggest a life-long personality disorder (i.e. obnoxiousness), your simply using your age as an excuse to bring out those horrible personality traits you’ve probably had all along. Color me rude, but I believe in treating everyone as equals. Except for my grandmother. She’s different.
Yours till the New year’s resolution, i.e. be a better grown-up…here’s hoping.
On to books:
KATE SINCLAIRE - MAKE MONEY ONLINE - Exactly how I make over $3,000 monthly selling products on Etsy, Tophatter & eBay!!! - $2.99 - - -
Tell me what you have to lose by buying it for this price, nothing. You may gain some knowledge and get out there and do it. Tophatter is new to me and I'm going to find out what it is.
BEATRYCE NIVENS - A VIEW FROM THE TOP: The Inspiring Success Stories of 15 Black CEOs, Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs - $8.99 - - -
A pioneering success book that details the incredible and uplifting stories of fifteen of the country's leading, African American executives and entrepreneurs. These leaders sit or have sat at the helm of major U.S. corporations; they are members of prestigious corporate boards; they are or have been responsible for favorite products.
But how did these business leaders become so successful? How did they rise to the very top? How did some of the entrepreneurs cut million dollar deals? Can their success be duplicated?
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