I understand that there are relationships that tests your mind, body and soul; but on the other hand, others are just freaking crazy. A friend of mine got into some trouble with a women. The said part is, I told the boy she is on something, not illegal, but legal drugs and is as crazy as a beehive. Stay away from her. Run, boy, just run. Nope, he stayed and now his "relationship" became news in the local City Paper:
"A man says that one of his baby-mamas called him while he was at work and announced that she was in the process of vandalizing his apartment. The man went straight home and saw that oil had been splashed all over his suede couches, television, and carpet, and the electrical cord to his microwave had been cut. I guess she was a bit pissed." You think she was a little crazy or what? I told the boy. He just did not listen.
Speaking of crazy, how about an update on my other off the hook nuts from the "Part Time Job at the Asylum." I visited the “Asylum” last week to get a free cup of coffee and some donuts. Did anything change? Yep, the staff, but that place never keeps staff longer than a few months. Baby mommy had her third child and returned to work and dumped the "hooker's" brother who was the father. According to others in the store, he still comes around begging for her to return to him. I know her, she will return to him and dump him again; I just hope she does not become pregnant again. For some reason, it's in her DNA and I never thought she could stop.
When I saw her she was complaining again about all of their hours being cut back. From 40 or 45 to 30 or 35 hours. I remember explaining to them in September that this was going to happen because of the rise in health costs and the Obama care plan. I forgot that talking common sense and money like IRAs and saving for retirement doesn’t go over very well them. So, I just listen to her complain.
The crying women, who lives with the boy friend who does not work. What he does is get her to make him and her father free huge bacon sandwiches with a soda. I was always surprised she was not caught stealing the food, but maybe she paid and I just did not see it.
It was still nice to see some of them and lord behold, the hooker is still there too. This day, it changes every week, she had a orange and red hair wig on. No, it did not look good on her. I told them that I miss working with them and wished them a great new year. The new manager (the other one left for another job), saw me. I did not work with him but remembered seeing him a few times in the store. He asked if I wanted to come back and work there. I told him I would think about it and get back to him soon. I said my good byes and paid for my coffee and donuts.
As I've said before, I will always miss them and in a way feel a bit lost without them. I don't know why; I just know I'm feeling a bit lost.
I'll continue with my story later. Let's get to some books on relationships. Maybe my friend, who is a subscriber to my blog on Amazon, will read and learn. No he won't.
EMMA BUCKLEY - BUDGET-FRIENDLY ROMANTIC DATES - 99 cents - - - This is a clever book. I like her ideas of breaking down what type of cheap dates you can go on such as playing board games, making or completing a DIY project, movies (well, at least the 3 dollars one), taking a dance class together at your local community center, skating, walking or hiking in the park and/or a movie marathon at home. Another one I did not think about but actually may be good is Observe a Court Trial. Hey, that may give you a warning of how to stay out of jail and see if the guy or girl knows anyone there. I don't mean the judge either. You may want to run at that point.

I also like how she breaks it down by seasons. Now that's unique. If you live in a cold weather city, there's skiing, camping, local festivals and painting the snow. You don't need much just spray bottles of water and food coloring. Summer, play kiddie golf, visit a garden, or the local beach. Bring you own food and just enjoy the weather. Her bottom line, there are so many and I mean so many cheap ways to go out on a date. The end results is to find that person who likes and enjoy the same things you do. This I know will give you both an opportunity to get to know each other before all of the crappy trails of one night stands come out and haunt you with the "it wasn't that great sex aroma." The book is cheap, practical and smart. Now that's a bargain!
ERNESSA CARTER - THE AWESOME GIRL'S GUIDE TO DATING EXTRAORDINARY MEN - $4.99 - - - Stop, don't get the wrong idea that this is one of those dating book for black women. It's one of the best books on how to accept your self, laugh at some of the crazy men out there and how to move your but and have fun, without always, always having a man around. You will also laugh your but off about the lives and loves of:
Thursday (yes, that's her name) - Most people have one night stands, she has one month stands. When they get too close or on her nerves, she dumps them. Then she starts to have this recurring dream about a man with no face and her heart begins to tell her it's time to settle down.
Risa - She wants to be Rock Star, but will not let go of losing and getting back "The One."
Sharita - She is so much like my girlfriends who when they get a man, they disappear. She has a great career, avoids social gatherings and will dump her best friends in a minute when a man comes crawling. She returns as usual when the jackass dumps her, crying all the way home.
Tammy - A later bloomer to the group. A rich girl with a flickle heart.
The first chapter will have you laughing and saying things like, "I got friends just like that or I do remember my girl friends when they were around 30 years old. I laughed at the beginning, but then I got bored. I read that plot before. It was reading just like any other book I have read before, but then, I got hit and hit hard. Was at work reading it and did not move until it was done. Yeah, I missed a few meetings and such at work, but who the hell cares. I had to find out what the hell was going to happen next. Bump the job, I need to finish this book.
You better go out and buy this book. Buy it for your girlfriends and have a serious party on how so many antics in this book were done or being done by your friends. It will make you go, "Damn, am I like that or was I like that? Yes we were and Yes you are.
L. DIVINE - DRAMA HIGH: SECOND CHANCE - $7.39 - - - Since I have returned to working at the library on Wednesdays, I've started re-shelving the young adult books. Let me tell you, you are missing some "scandal" stories and I don't even have a TV, but I hear from many people about the show Scandal. Maybe I am missing something? That's all and fine, but I'm not going out an buying a TV. I got other things to do with my money. Just got this book and five others. Boy, I'm enjoy these stories.
Back for another dose of high drama, Compton’s sassiest, Jayd Jackson, is about to discover it really is a different world when she starts dating South Bay High's finest white boy…
All Jayd Jackson wants is a drama-free year at South Bay High, a.k.a. Drama High. But it doesn't seem she's going to get it. It's only the second week of Junior year and already, Misty, her nemesis, has almost gotten her killed after instigating a fight between Jayd and KJ's girlfriend, Trecee.
But it goes with the territory. She's a fire child, and granddaughter to Lynne Mae Williams—Mama—and Mama says that means the drama will follow Jayd wherever she goes. Even so, Jayd just wants to chill, still hoping Junior year can carry on, drama-free. And with Misty and KJ reportedly "hanging," Jayd is ready to move on. But the brother won’t stop blowing up Jayd's cellie, and the text-messages keep coming; and the message is clear: KJ wants Jayd back bad.
But Jayd couldn’t care less. She’s got a new man to kick-it with now—a half-Jewish white boy from Palos Verdes whose parents are loaded with a capital “L.” And Jeremy Weiner’s no ordinary white boy—he listens to East Coast rap, he’s got a sweet ride, and he’s got it bad for Jayd Jackson. But no one at South Bay High will just let a sistah be happy. Misty's back to her usual foolishness, KJ’s all over her jock, and the notoriously anti-black teacher Mrs. Bennett is tripping. Jeremy’s got her totally sprung, but she’s going to have to rely on her brains—and some of Mama’s magic, of course—if she’s going to survive another week at Drama High.
But Jayd couldn’t care less. She’s got a new man to kick-it with now—a half-Jewish white boy from Palos Verdes whose parents are loaded with a capital “L.” And Jeremy Weiner’s no ordinary white boy—he listens to East Coast rap, he’s got a sweet ride, and he’s got it bad for Jayd Jackson. But no one at South Bay High will just let a sistah be happy. Misty's back to her usual foolishness, KJ’s all over her jock, and the notoriously anti-black teacher Mrs. Bennett is tripping. Jeremy’s got her totally sprung, but she’s going to have to rely on her brains—and some of Mama’s magic, of course—if she’s going to survive another week at Drama High.
DR. GRACE CORNISH - 10 BAD CHOICES THAT RUIN BLACK WOMEN'S LIVES - $9.78 - - - Relationship expert Dr. Grace Cornish writes a lively, practical, provocative guide for black women everywhere who want to shed the duds and find the studs who will treat them with respect.
According to Dr. Cornish, six out of every ten black women are either in bad relationships, share a man, or are celibate. The problem is not the women themselves but the bad choices they keep making. In her frank and refreshing new book, Dr. Cornish speaks to unique aspects of the African American female psyche by targeting ten of the most common and foolish choices black women make in their lives regarding men, and how they can correct these problems, including:
Relying on case studies, interviews, and letters she has received, Dr. Cornish gets to the heart of the matter by illuminating why black women, no matter how smart, savvy, and successful, continue to lose at the dating game, and how they can face, erase, and replace the problems that have kept them from finding true love. Give it a quick look at it. You just never know.
HILL HARPER - THE CONVERSATION: HOW MEN AND WOMEN CAN BUILD LOVING, TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP - $10.99 - - - Anything written by him is always, always worth it's weight in gold. Only 34 percent of African-American children today are raised in two- parent households, a sharp contrast to 1966, when 85 percent of black children were raised by two parents. In provocative but heartfelt words, Hill Harper takes on these urgent challenges, bringing a variety of issues out of the shadows.
In The Conversation, Harper speaks to women and men with clear-eyed perspective, covering topics such as: - The roots of the breakdown in the black family, The myth that there are no mature, single, black male professionals, What women can do to alleviate the "heaviness" they sometimes attach to dating, What men can do to break the cycle of being a player, The difference between sex and intimacy, and Bridging the communication gap and other points.
According to many of the reviews, this is a book for the 19 to 30 year old. I can see their point. As long as it's funny and according to them it is, and gets the point across, it's an OK book by me. I have not received my copy yet, so who knows. I may change my mind.