Number 60
Hey, I see I have not been in contact with you guys since March 29. That’s a whole week without little old me to tell you what’s what. Well, I’m sorry to be so late, but I have been working my regular job and part time job and volunteering at the Bridge Run (a race) and the Flowertown Festival. Going to church, walking my dog and still trying to squeeze out enough money to pay bills ahead of time since no one knows if the government will shut down.
I don’t think they are going to shut down, but I have a sinking feeling that we will pay or "not get paid" one way or the other. We may still have to go 5 or 10 days without pay before the end of the fiscal year. I just have a feeling in my gut that I will still be trying to pay off bills and pay on bills without enough money. Oh, well, I give my problems to GOD. I will take care of what I can and leave the rest to him, since he knows more than any man, woman, child or those silly Congressman and Senators do!!! Amen!!!
Since we are continuing to keep our BLACK HISTORY YEAR going, I want to have you buy and read, “BEST AFRICAN AMERICAN FICTION 2010 - $12.48 Paperback Best African American Fiction 2010
and BEST AFRICAN AMERICAN FICTION: 2009 - $10.93 Paperback Best African American Fiction: 2009
, this was edited by E. Lynn Harris before his death.
Both books have short stories from some of our most famous authors. In the 2009, I enjoyed “Pita Delicious” by ZZ Packer. It’s the story of a young black woman and her “white, Jewish guy with hair like an Afro wig and a nervous smile," boyfriend. Striking among the collection is "Cell One", Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's (Half of a Yellow Sun) cautionary tale of what happens when success and ambition outpace discipline and firm-handedness in child-rearing in Nigeria. The son of a professor and his accommodating wife, Nnamabia is titillated by thug life, and it isn't until he's arrested and observes the blatant disrespect toward a sick elder that he remembers the good sense his parents instilled long ago. In "This Kind of Red", Helen Lee (Water Marked) tells of a battered woman who copes by counting everything from crayons to the minutes she has to kill her abusive husband. Mat Johnson (Drop) offers an excerpt from "The Great Negro Plot", his novel infused with the history of slavery and indentured servitude in colonial New York. With something for every reader's taste, this is a collection not to be missed.
For 2010, Nikki Giovanni is the guest editor. It also has a collection of fiction by African American writers, which highlights a wide scope of talent and subjects as broad and sweeping as the African diaspora. Editor Gerald Early and guest editor Nikki Giovanni offer a range of well-known and emerging writers, including excerpts from young-adult literature. From Edwidge Danticat comes a story of a young man working in his parent’s restaurant in rural Haiti while dreaming of creating a radio program to air the tensions between the gangs, the police, and the innocents caught in the cross-fire, the unspoken atrocities of gang violence and a corrupt government. John Edgar Wideman offers a collection of micro-stories, snatches from his own life and all of our lives, connected and disconnected by yearnings for personal fulfillment and social justice. From Glenville Lovell, there is a story of the nightmares of a wife of a high-ranking official in an unnamed nation where citizens are tortured and killed. The collection also includes the work of Colson Whitehead, Amina Gautier, Jewell Parker Rhodes, and Desiree Cooper, among others.
You may not know some of the authors, but you will still enjoy their stories. Each and every one speaks to who we are and who we can still become. Try it, you’ll like it.
THE BEST SHORT STORIES BY BLACK WRITERS, 1899-1967: THE CLASSIC ANTHOLOGY - $12.74 Paperback - - - It does not matter what time period we as African American’s write about, it will always, always be relevant to what’s going on today. I’m sure you may not want to read about much history, but as the saying goes, “Those who forget the past are more likely to repeat it.” How can you go wrong reading stories by James Baldwin, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ralph Ellison, Alice Walker and Langston Hughes. They are "The Harlem Renaissance." You can’t ignore it, it’s part of your soul and being. You just can’t ignore it.
BRENDA JACKSON - SPONTANEOUS - $.86 - - - OK, now that you have read some history, get into some romance with one of the best romance writers in the world and it only costs 86 cents.
MARK O’NEAL - ULTERIOR MOTIVES - $.99 - - - Some reviewers don’t have much of a good thing to say about his book, but, my thinking is, try it. You got nothing to lose for 99 cents. Here’s what the book is about and I must say, many authors do not take the time to get someone to really read the book for grammatical errors or spelling errors that will hurt a book in the long run.
Ulterior Motives is a crime drama that takes place in the city of Chicago and its outlying areas. Maurice Ousley
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