Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not quite up to my Bookwala!!


Oh, I’m back alright, but still a bit slow in the mind and heart.  That job is driving me crazy.  Yes, yes, yes, don’t complain, be happy you have a job and I am and feel very, very blessed.  I’m just disappointed with myself.  I’m trying to stay happy and positive each day and it seems that that damn devil is enjoying me too got damn much.  Go thing I’m going to church in the morning to pick me up again and bring me back to me.  
Not all gloom and doom, I volunteered at the Library book fair yesterday.  I was suppose to go in the previous day and work from 3 to 7:30 pm, but my job got in the way and I was tired.  So I came home and sat in my cozy beat-up blue reclining chair and watch DVDs and read a book with my dog sitting next to me.  We stayed up to 2am in the morning, so the next day I was not up to snuff and only worked 8 hours instead of my usual 12 hours.  Oh, yeah, I can live in a library and stay there for hours and hours until my body falls apart and require sleep.  You do not find many African American books at these book fairs.  Not enough blacks either read enough or buy enough books.  We have a guy who sells urban books at the local mall and I try to buy from him at least once a month, but my little bit of money is not enough and his selection is geared to blacks who want to read about sex, drugs and drama and more drama.  I live those books too, at times, but not much is new about them.  It’s a reality show with woman dressed like sluts with men selling drugs and/or trying to get off of the street.  The story is the same.  They need to change the story, it’s getting on my nerve, but I will continue to buy them because someone has a job and maybe, just maybe the more they right the better the story will get and change.  
Here are some books I did find at the book fair:
MARY MONROE - RED LIGHT WIVES - $4.47 - - - When I work at these local book fairs, I’m one of the staff members who take the books out of the many boxes and I see first hand what we have.  Since I did not do that the previous day, I was still able to find African American authors.  We don’t get many books donated from blacks, except the usual like Toni Morrison or Terry McMillian, but when I do, I’m the one who persuade the blacks coming in there (No, we don’t get many blacks patrons or volunteers), but when we do, they come to me, asking, “Are there any black books,” and yes, that’s when my speciality comes in.  
They’re about as different as six women can be.  Haughty and humble, beautiful and plain, young and not-so-young, black, white, Latina, and origins unknown. But aside from a gift for laughing hardship in the face, they have one very important thing in common, a man name  Clyde Brooks. You might say that Clyde is their “manager.” And you might say that Lula Mae, Ester, Megan, Rosalee, Helen, and Rockelle are colleagues, in the world’s oldest profession. Clyde likes to refer to them as his “wives.”
Maybe it’s their love for the high life and for each other that makes the bond between Clyde’s ladies so unbreakable. Maybe it’s their private demons that keep them so loyal to Clyde, or so he thinks. For as hard as they try to distract themselves, nothing can quell the women’s longing for a life free from Clyde and what he represents, until one daring act of defiance changes everything.  
I have a three of Monroe’s books, but did not know she had others.  
THE UPPER ROOM - $4.47 - - -  The Upper Room
MAMA RUBY - $9.03 - - - Mama Ruby
GOD AIN’T THROUGH YET - - - God Ain't Through Yet
GOD AIN’T BLIND - $8.69 - - - God Ain't Blind

SHE HAD IT COMING - $8.69 - - - Review from “PrinceLuva79, Loves a good book!!” - - - Mary Monroe writes a book like no one else can!!! I love reading her work. I find myself laughing out loud at the descriptions she gives that are so vivid I can picture what she is describing. The descriptions about Noble, Moanin' Lisa and Glodine had me near tears!!! 
In this novel you meet Dolores Reese a young woman who grew up in foster care. Valerie is Delores' best friend, and Valerie and her entire family (including the elderly grandfather Paw Paw !!) suffer the wrath of her psycho step father Mr. Zeke. Valerie will do whatever it takes to ensure that her family is protected. Dolores ends up involved in Valerie's family drama, although she is an unwilling participant. Meanwhile, Dolores falls in love with another foster child, Floyd Watson, a neighbor from down the street, and they vow to be together, until an innocent Floyd winds up in jail, for life! 
DELIVER ME FROM EVIL - $4.49 - - - Deliver Me From Evil
GOD STILL DON’T LIKE UGLY - $4.30 - - - God Still Don't Like Ugly
GONNA LAY DOWN MY BURDENS - $8.69 - - - Gonna Lay Down My Burdens
THE COMPANY WE KEEP - $8.69 - - - The Company We Keep
Boy, I knew she was good, but didn’t know she was that damn good!!!  Another book I found,
BILL WRIGHT - ONE FOOT IN LOVE - $9.99 - - - I found it in paperback.  Happen to see the cover and read the back that’s when I saw a picture of Bill and brought the book immediately.  Now remember, I was able to buy so many books because since this was a book fair, the prices were 50 cents to $3.00.  Great finds, I must say!!
Rowtina Washington is devastated when her adoring husband, Turtle, is killed in a tragic accident. When his ghost begins to appear to her, she delights in the opportunity to rekindle the passion they had. (I’ve read this type of love before, but can’t remember it), but then Turtle's visits stop abruptly. Confused and desperate for answers, Rowtina is convinced to join the feisty and irrepressible Leave Him and Live Sisterhood, a tiny band of women who vary in age, race, and life experience. Osceola McQueen conceived the group, as she says, to "grab a hold of your sister till she can see the road." Lucy Antiglione is a waitress-warrior fighting off a punch-happy husband, while Egyptia Nelson is happiest on her way to the altar. And then there is Nelda Battey, sharp tongued and irreverent, who lives by her own definition of what it means to be a woman.  This tender yet humorous page-turner shines a light on the faith, optimism, and romantic possibilities that inspire and sustain us all. God, do we need it!
One Foot in Love

A few other books I found, but they were not written by African Americans.  BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S by TRUMAN CAPOTE - $8.49 - - - Breakfast at Tiffany's  I brought it for a Xmas present and I’m a member of the New York Times “Big City Book Club,” which was discussed for the month of November.  I also like the movie and I read that Hollywood is thinking about remaking this movie with black actors/actresses.  What the hell are they thinking?  They haven’t learned yet that remaking some classic movies should not be done.  We love old movies, well at least I do, something about them during that period of time, and that time could trigger a memory, we want it to stay as it was.  I just can’t see Cuba Gooding, Jr. playing George Peppard part and Nia Long playing Audrey Hepburn’s part either, but what the hell do I know.  I don’t watch reality shows.  I got enough in books.
While looking for the cost of the book by Truman Capote, I saw another BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S by LYNN LORENZ - $4.00 - Breakfast At Tiffany's What caught my eye was the same title, but with a black and white guy on the cover, so I investigated and found it is a gay interracial relationship book written by a white woman.  It still amazes me how many books are out there, just amazes me.  Check it out if you wish.  
Got to stick on one for Black History Year.  

Another find at the book fair, two of Edward P. Jones books - THE KNOWN WORLD - - $9.99 - -  The Known World and  ALL AUNT HAGAR’S CHILDREN  - - $9.99 - -  All Aunt Hagar's Children.  I got a black woman to buy both.  She did not know about him and that still amazes me how many of us do not know out black writers.  
Since I was just mulling around at the fair during a quiet moment, I stepped into the library to look around and found two young black girls looking for books.  It was on, my “Batman/Black Woman on the Pursuit of getting every single black person to read and buy books - Black/Green/Red Cape," and got these girls some books.  Carl Weber, Kimberla Lawson Roby, E. Lynn Harris and more.  They were still in the library looking over those books when I returned an hour later.  One of them ask, “Are there any sex scenes in these books?” I asked, why.” “Because I’m sorta of tired and I’m trying to stay Christian, but it’s hard, child.”  “Yes, but I think you can handle these authors, they know how to write without being slutty.”  Let’s hope they give them a try.  I gave them my card and told them to call or e-mail me any time they want more.  I will even buy them.  Thank God I got a gift to give!!!

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